We're Getting Hitched!

We're Getting Hitched!

Monday, July 30, 2012

2 months!!!

So, I have not posted in awhile, as I'm sure you are aware.  I started working at a summer camp a few weeks ago, and our internet has been spotty at home.  Its working on this computer, so I suppose an update is in order!

Since my last post we have:

  • Gotten the tuxes rented
  • I had a first trial for my hair
  • ordered manzanita branches and other decor
  • Put the final payment on the venue
  • Sent out several rounds of invitations
  • Added more things to the rental order and took a few things off
  • Started taking dance lessons with my dad and Robert (my feet have only been stepped on about 3 times between the two of them so thats not too bad!)
  • Got the call that my dress is in!!  I've been playing phone tag with the salon for the past few days, but I hope to have the first fitting scheduled by Tuesday!  
I cannot believe that in just two days, it will be August!  Where did July go?  This month will be extremely busy.  A wedding I was hired to do floral design for, birthdays for my dad and brother, bridal shower and finishing up all the crafts for the wedding!  Robert pointed out that this will probably be the last "slow" weekend we have until after the wedding! 

 Next Sunday we will be taking a day trip up to Geyserville to check out the venue one last time.  The owner says she made a few changes to the layout, and we will be able to see what everything will probably look like at the end of September!  

I think thats all for now!  

Monday, July 9, 2012

If its not plates, its napkins

The Great Plate Hunt of 2012 has been resolved (well, mostly.  We still need to find dessert plates), but of course once that got resolved, The Great Napkin Conundrum of 2012 rose its ugly head.  A little back story:

On Tuesday of last week, my bridesmaid Brandi and I headed up to Sonoma to check out a rental place.  After a short detour in Petaluma thanks to my GPS, we finally made it to the right spot and started a rental order.  Tables, chairs, linens, etc.  The nice lady got all my information and said she would get me a quote in a few days.

On Thursday, I got the quote and nearly died.  With just tables, chairs, napkins, plates, table cloths and a dance floor, the total quote was $4900!  Of course I had picked the most expensive napkins since they were the only ones in the right color!  $600 for 200 napkins.  I immediately started looking for other options.  The rental company also had cotton napkins for $1 each, and $200 was much better than $600, but I still was not satisfied.  I realize that they are just going to be used to wipe BBQ sauce off of hands and faces, but I want my table settings to look nice.  Even if no one notices, I will, being the planner and detail freak I am.

After a few nights (and I'm pretty sure several crazy dreams about napkins), I finally found an amazing solution!  I typed in to the wonderful Google search engine : "wedding napkins bulk" and was led to a site where I found 200 white napkins for $106 with shipping and tax!  Sure I will have a ton of napkins to deal with at the end of the night, but compared to spending $200-$600 on napkins for rentals, I am feeling really good about this purchase.

Now to figure out how to make the napkins look nice while sitting on the table.  My amazing mother has been playing with different ideas that will be simple and pretty so at the next craft night, we can put them together!

Other than all that, things are coming along.  Our wedding website went up this week and the electronic invitations are getting worked on as we speak.  Our invitations for family have been shipped and will hopefully arrive next week so I can get them put together at the next craft night!

This week, I meet with my amazing floral team and can't wait to see what they come up with!  Most of the crafts are almost done, and our wedding favors are being designed.

84 days left!  I can't believe it!